Hi guys,
We have just past the midway point on our trip across the Atlantic. We have been moving along at a really fast pace of about 20 knots and it has been quite bumpy as a consequence. Many people have been getting seasick, I have been fortunate enough to not be effected just yet. Today we’ve slowed down to about 15 or 16 knots, so the bumpiness has subsided a bit which will lead to a much more lively ship. It really is amazingly beautiful outside. I wish the internet would let me upload more pictures; the ship’s internet just isn’t fast enough or strong enough. At some point I will have to find an internet cafĂ© and put some up. All that we see around us is Blue Ocean and blue sky. There have been very few clouds as well. How often do you get to see something this amazing!?
Last night was the first open mic night on board. There are so many talented people on board it’s not even funny. We had people playing guitar and singing covers and originals, a cappella singers, piano players and singers, a melodophone player, a couple drum solos, and even some poetry. It was a great night. One of these days I’m going to have to get some guts and get up there myself. Maybe I’ll do some standup comedy, who knows. I think I’m funny, which is all that really matters.
Yes mother, I have been working out every day. I actually just finished my afternoon workout. They have ranged from riding the bike, which I do a lot because all the other machines are much more crowded, lifting weights, playing basketball, and running on the treadmill. I already feel like I’ve lost a couple pounds. This along with the small amount of tasty food aboard allows for me to slim up a bit.
They opened the pool for the first time today. I was the only one brave enough to jump in and enjoy the cool water. It was very salty, but very worth it. It was very relaxing and cooling. Because of the saltiness you could float on top of the moving water and just relax, which is amazing.
That’s all for now,
Wow looks awesome! Glad you're having a great time